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From Aluminum to Vinyl, Get the Fencing You Need

While you may enjoy do-it-yourself projects, there’s more to fence installation than meets the eye. Specialized tools and equipment are needed, as well as an eye for detail and aesthetic placement. If your new fence isn’t installed correctly, it could mean costly repairs or replacements in your not-too-distant future. In some cases, it can be hard to judge where your property line begins. Installing your fence along your neighbor’s property could lead to additional headaches. Do-it-yourselfers also run the risk of hitting hidden water, gas, or electrical lines while installing a fence. Avoid all the hassles by calling J & P Fencing. We expertly install and repair many types of residential and commercial fencing for all your needs, including:

Are You on the Fence About New Fencing?

If you’re on the fence about installing new fencing around your property, call J & P Fencing for a free estimate. We have a lengthy list of satisfied commercial and residential customers. Whether you need a fence installation or repair in the Delaware County area, we’re happy to help. Don’t waste time or money trying to install a new fence yourself. Do the responsible thing and call in our professionals for precise planning and safe installation. We’re confident you’ll enjoy your fencing for many years to come!

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